Amogh Arunachalam
Aria Pant
I would like to thank the two panditji’s for making this such a great temple, my Religion and Hindi teachers I have had over all my 9 years for teaching me about my culture, heritage, and religion and the volunteers who make this program possible. Last but not the least my parents and sister for supporting me throughout this tremendous journey which has helped me become who I am today.
Jyothi Mony
I would like to thank my parents for letting me experience this and friends, teachers, and family for being with me through the whole nine years
Pooja Ramprabhu
I would like to thank my parents who put in their time and efforts to bring me to Bal Vihar and all my wonderful teachers who instilled long lasting information that I will always commemorate.
Radhika Singh
I also want to thank all the teachers that I've had in the past few years for dedicating themselves to teaching us. Last but not least, I want to thank all the parents whose hard work has made Bal Vihar the amazing program that it is. These past 8 years have flown by very fast, and I will miss Bal Vihar a lot.
Sonal Arora
I also want to thank all my teachers who taught me so well and my friends who kept me company in Balvihar