- We will have a parent teacher meeting right after religion class in the main hall. This is once in a year mandatory meeting. Parents (at least one) please plan on attending. We promise, it will be short :)
- We have a feedback form where you can provide feedback on the program. If you want to remain anonymous, that is perfectly fine. But feedback good/bad is appreciated. It helps us improve. Please find the link here. http://www.balviharallentown.org/feedback.html
- If you are interested in teaching next Balvihar year, you are requested to please attend the meeting at 9 am for the same. Pratibhaji will be hosting it in the temple right before the regular classes start.
- Some classes have their final exams this Sunday. We will have the Hindi Bee finals on May 8th. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
- I hope you have reviewed the hoodie/sweatshirt sizes for your child. May 1st is the last date to make any changes.
- We hope that the annual day preparation is in full swing. Please be ready to rehearse on stage on May 8th right after the Bee. The order will be sent next week, so you know when to be downstairs for your stage practice.
- Please buy tickets from Jiteshji tomorrow, for annual day. Some of you have already paid for it during registration. An email will be sent to those who have already paid. Annual day is on May 21st, Saturday starting 3.30pm.
Best Regards
Ashok Khandelwal