Shubham karoti kalyaannam | Aarogyam dhana-sampadah |
Shatru-buddhi-vinaashaaya | Dipa-jyotir-namostute ||
Salutations to the light of the lamp | Which brings auspiciousness, health and prosperity | Which destroys hatred | Salutations to the light of the lamp ||
Om saha naav avatu | Saha nau bhunaktu | Saha viryam karavaavahai | Tejasvi naav adhiitam-astu maa vidvishaavahai | Om shaantih shaantih shaantih ||
Let all be prosperous | Let all be nourished | Let our thoughts be unified for the benefit of all people and the planet | Let our quest for knowledge be luminous and joyful | Let there be no hatred | Peace within us Peace around us Peace between us ||
See you all on Oct 29th for HTS Balvihar Deepavali Celebrations. Thank you. Namaste!